Saturday, August 8, 2009

Call Her Katrina? No, Please Call Her Tuatarina :')

I never intended for this blog to be a site where I post recipes.

Nope, never had that in mind because I don't have talent for cooking.

But today is different.
Nothing special about today, nope.
just because today I made this fingerfood
called TUATARA.

Yup, this is the so-called Tuatara :')

Owh, I'm sharing the recipe here today. Isn't that a good news?

. . . maybe not so much. Ehehe~

What you need:
1 can of sardines
1 green onion
8 to 12 tortilla wraps
3 eggs
Cheese (optional)
Chilli powder (optional)
Breadcrumbs (optional)

How do you prepare it?
There are 3 stages to preparing this tuatara. You see, it IS time consuming which is why I rarely make this fingerfood. I'm lazy, thank you.

Stage 1: Preparing the sardines

1) For a starter, heat some oil in a frying pan. Put in the sardines without the tomato sauce into the oil and fry them. This is to ensure the sardines are not hanyir when you eat them later.

2) As the sardines are well fried, turn them into smaller chunks according to your likings. I prefer them mashed. :') Only then you add in the tomato sauce from the can.

3) Cut the onion into two. Diced one half, and cut the other half into thin thread-like pieces. Add the diced onion first and stir the sardines. After they mixed well, add the the other half.

4) Then you add in some blackpepper. If you like it spicy, put in more blackpepper. And if you like it hot, add some chilli powder.

5) Let the sardines on the stove for about five minutes.

6) If you like it cheesy, melt some cheese in the pan and mix it together. Let the sardines on stove for about another 10 minutes or until it looks less watery before you remove it from pan into a blackpepper-ed bowl.

Stage 2: Wrapping

1) Take 1 tortilla wrap and cut it into 4 smaller pieces.

This is how the small tortilla pieces should look like

2) Put some sardines on the small tortilla pieces and wrap it like you wrap a springroll.

These what you should get as you finished this stage :'P

Stage 3: Fry 'em all!

1) Break 3 eggs into a container. Beat them.

2) Heat some oil in a frying pan.

3) Dip the "springrolls" from Stage 2 into the beaten eggs. If you like your Tuatara crunchy, then dip it in breadcrumbs after it was dipped in egg.

4) Fry 'em all

5) Ready to serve~

If you haven't noticed, the one closest to you was fried with breadcrumbs

Okay, that's all about it. Easy, right? Just requires some effort. :')

Owh, you asked "Isn't tuatara an iguana-like creature exclusively found in NZ?"

YUP, IT IS. But why I call this fingerfood tuatara?

. . . go ask Zack. Thank you. X'D


~M i z a ~ said...

hg mmg tlh bgik idea kat aku tuk abiskan stok tortila aku yg dah lama terperap dlm fridge tu

yantie said...

nak nak nak nak nak nak!

~Nuwanda~ said...

hey, sodap itu tuatarina :)
thanx..we loike it ...
presentation pon yummy.

Mrs. H said...

boleh cube plak nanti..ngeh2..
thanx for the recipe~

hafiz CHouJi said...

Ros: Ros~~~~ Tenkiu kerna terinspired oleh entry nie! Nie adalah specialty kot kat sini. Alhamdulillah, stiap kali aku buat sume orang suke~ :'D

Yantie: Zack tak kasi sket ke? Aku buat untuk Zack sebab da janji ntahbilentahdulu. Bahan2 sume Zack punye, aku tolong buat je. Ehehe~

Sarah: Tenkiu sebab suke~ Should thank Zack as well. She supplied all ingredients. I just helped making it. :')

Keyna: Sile la cube. Kalo tak prasan, ini adalah fingerfood yang aku buat utk Rugby Night ari tue. :'D

Mrs. H said... perasan itu..
sedap smpai letak skejap je dah licin bekas kn3??
nak mintak resepi tp malu..
n now dah ade kt blog..kih2..

hafiz CHouJi said...

Ala . . . kamu exaggerate nie. Takde la syedap mane pon. Da time tue sume orang lapar, dan Tuatara nie fingerfood yg len sket dari other typical food yg ada, sebab tue abes awal. Ahaha~

Snanye kalo kamu mintak resipi direct dari aku, aku kasi je. Bukannye susah pon. Sharing is caring, yes, tapi bila kongsi ilmu maka ilmu tue jadi lebih berkat. :'D

Sha said...

terima kasih kerana bersedekah kt surau td :)
sedap ya amat
ak dga pizza ko pn sdap gk?
ape lg chouji..

hijrah said...

wah. that looks really YUM!

hahaha ada sedikit macam bantal saloma. only instead of tortilla, guna bread.


hafiz CHouJi said...

Sha: Thanks for the compliment~

Eh, mitos dari penglipur lara mane ko dengar yang aku buat pizza sedap, cik Sha? Aku baru ushar2 resipi kat tenet ari tue, tak sempat try lagi pon. Ahaha~ X'D

Hijrah: Dunno, I think it tastes okay but people kinda like it. Hurm~

Owh, that thing orang panggil Bantal Saloma eh? I love that when I was a kid, my abah always bought it for my breakfast. :'D

yantie said...

hey td aku dah try buat ngan fatin!
bukak juga blog ko tgk recipe =p

hafiz CHouJi said...

Ehehe~ Tenkiu~

Alhamdulillah, dapat berkongsi something. :')