Friday, March 5, 2010

This Journey

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious and Most Merciful.

Imagine this: You are on a journey. A long, arduous journey to return home. To return to your loved ones. The path before you is as far as your eyes can reach - yes, you cannot see the end of the road nor you know what awaits you there. But the path is a straight one and you know it can lead you home. Because your heart told you so. But there are entertainment and amusement everywhere around you - on your left, on your right, everywhere.

Are you distracted to stop by and have fun? Or should you just continue your journey home?

Imagine this: You are on this journey. This long, arduous journey to return home. To return to your loved ones. Yes, you are alone in this long, arduous journey but you have your communication devices to give your loved one a call or two to tell them how much you love and miss them.

But do you take some time to call?

Imagine this: You are still on this journey. This long, arduous journey to return home. You start your journey with nothing given to you.

What preparation have you made - are you well-equipped? Do you remember to get some presents for your loved ones?

Yes, by now you are feeling tired and somewhat lethargic from this long journey. The arduous path was indeed challenging. You fall many times. You bruised your face. You scarred your head every time you stumble.

Do you learn anything from your falls? Hasn't this arduous path taught you some lessons to improve and be better every single day?

By this point, you are already beaten up and tired on this long journey. There are times when you feel like giving up this whole journey home, don't you? But the thoughts to meet your loved ones and the wonderful feasts they promised you never failed to freshen you up and make you feel strong again.

Then why should you lose hope and grieve for these little bruises and scars?

This arduous journey may be a long one.
Or short.
All depends on you - you are the decision maker.

Yes, this JOURNEY is called LIFE and we are all treading on this straight path to return HOME - the HEREAFTER, where our loved ones await us. They are the Almighty Creator, ALLAH TA'ALA and our beloved Prophet, MUHAMMAD (peace be upon him).

My dear brothers and sisters,
We are but traveller in this world travelling on this long, arduous journey to return Home. To return to our Creator, Allah. To return to His and our beloved Prophet, Muhammad (pbuh). This world is only a place for play and amusement, yet our true Goal is the Hereafter. So don't be distracted by this world. Should we get distracted, immediately prostrate in repentance.
Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a traveler.
[Narrated by Bukhari]
"What is the life of this world but play and amusement? But best is the Home in the Hereafter, for those who are righteous. Will ye not then understand?"
[Al-Maaidah, QS 6:32]

My dear brothers and sisters,
In our daily lives, struggling to continue on this long, arduous journey, do we spend some times to remember Allah and our beloved Prophet - our loved ones? Or are we too busy trying to satisfy many different people in our life that we forget to seek Allah's and Rasulullah's pleasure? If we say our life is busy and we can leave the remembrance for tomorrow, are we sure that tomorrow will be less busier? More importantly, do we even sure we have tomorrow? Take your time today and "tell" your Loved Ones how much you love them. Say zikrullah, and praise the prophet. Start today.
"Then do ye remember Me; I will remember you. Be grateful to Me and reject not Faith."
[Al-Baqarah, QS 2:152]
"Any of you from my Ummat, praise upon me (selawat) with a sincere heart;Allah will reward him with 10 praises, lift his position by 10 darajaat, write in his record 10 good deeds and erase from it 10 evil deeds."
[Narrated by Ahmad and Nasai, from Anas r.a.]

My brothers and sisters,
We were born into this world in one piece, adorned with nothing. And we will return to His side in one piece and we can bring nothing with us - not materials, not friends and family, not titles. The only thing we can bring with us is our good deeds, only if we were obedient to Allah during our lifetime. Fulfil all five obligations as Muslim ordained by Allah through the Prophet and have complete Faith in Allah. These are not only proof of our obedience, they are our saviour before Allah in the Hereafter.

Rasulullah (pbuh) said,
"I saw something amazing in my dream last night. I saw a man of my Ummat ... he was thirsty but was chased away every time he nears the well. Then came his Fast during Ramadhan and let him quench his thirst from the well ... he lost his way in pitch-black darkness, then came his Hajj and 'Umrah to show him the way out ... then he was stumbling and crawling on the bridge of Sirat almost fall into fire below, then came his Prayers giving strength to his legs to cross the bridge ... then he reached the paradise but no doors of Jannah was opened for him, the came his Shahaadataani unlocking all the doors until he can enter therein."
[Narrated by Abu Musa al-Madini]
"He who created Death and Life, that He may try which of you is best in deed; and He is Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving."
[Al-Mulk, QS 67:2]

My brothers and sisters,
Have you ever take a minute to think, "why would Allah gives you a lifetime to serve in His Course?" He has all the Power to do anything He wants, and He created this world as a test to the Believers. Keep in mind that this life is a test of Faith, then ask yourself this question: "How do I pass with flying colours?" You know if you are to sit for an exam, you would revise your lessons time and again - to ensure you have better understanding, from one day to another, of the topic to be tested in the examination. It is mastery learning wherein you improve bit by bit everyday to be closer towards perfection. This is the reason why Allah gives you a lifetime: To improve yourself, your character and your deeds to please Him. Do not procrastinate until tomorrow. Do not procrastinate until old age to start being a good Muslim. Start today to do good deeds and be a good, obedient Muslim. Start today.
"God does not look at your bodies, or at your forms,
but looks at your hearts and your works.
[Narrated by Bukhari]

From Abu Hurairah r.a.,
"There are seven people who will receive Allah's protection on the Day when there is no other protection ... a young person who spends his youth to serve Allah." [Narrated by Bukhari]

My brothers and sisters,
Life in this world is never easy, though it seems pleasurable most of the time. Allah The Most High has reminded us many times in the Divine Book that life is but play and amusement, and that life serves as a test to assess our Faith. Most of the times, we think this life is being unfair to us. Life's adversities make you feel bitter from time to time, slowly forgetting and abandoning the true teachings of Islam brought by our beloved Prophet, who taught us to be good towards other Muslims and respect others despite their belief. Whenever trouble touches you, remember that Allah is always near. Be strong. Never sigh, never lose hope. Put your total faith in Allah. He is always near.
"A strong believer is better and is more lovable to Allah than a weak believer,and there is good in everyone, (but) cherish that which gives you benefit (in the Hereafter) and seek help from Allah ..."
[Narrated by Muslim, from Abu Hurairah r.a.]
"So lose not heart, nor fall into despair;
for ye must gain mastery if you're true in Faith."
[Aali 'Imraan, QS 3:139]

Walk straight or deviate? The decision is in our hands

Remember my dear brothers and sisters, as this was written mainly as a reminder to myself, this life is but a journey adorned with amusement and play. Our aimed destination is one and only one: The Hereafter where we (hopefully) get to see our Loved Ones, Allah The Most High and beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Be steadfast and consistent in telling ourselves not to develop love or affection unto anything we see on this journey for they are all surreal and not meant for us to permanently have as we are, in this life, only strangers and travellers.

Yes, the straight Path is well-laid before us.

Will you walk straight on this path?

. . . or will you deviate and be led astray by the amusement around you?

The decision, my dear brothers and sisters, is in our hands.

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