In the name of Allah, Owner of my Heart.
Oft-times when I sit alone,
many things
spin in my head.
My head and heart
are caught in
this turmoil of emotion.
Oft-times when I sat alone,
I wonder:
Have I been an obedient servant
to the Almighty Allah?
Every time,
yes, every time
I sunk my head to the floor
prostrating to the One God,
I wish I could force my eyes
to excrete pure droplets
of real love and fear.
But I guess,
that won't happen
if I
haven't tried hard
to remain steadfast
in purifying my own heart.
Oft-times when I sit alone,
I wonder:
How do people
(who know me)
view me?
Every time,
yes, every time
my beloved
family members
and friends
seek me for helps and advices,
I wouldn't turn them down.
But sometimes,
I just forgotten that
the one needing
helps and advices
the most
is my own self.
Am I living my life
as what Islam has outlined for me?
Have I done things right
following my own principles?
Had I been a good person
to everyone?
to say this
I'm not too sure myself.
But perhaps.
The answers
are least important.
What more important
is the questions
that kept you
moving forward,
"O Allah! My tongue is tied tight, I know not what to say. The heart is rumbling, I fear it of sins. Thou knoweth best what is in mine heart -- so I beseech Thee, O my Lord! -- keep me on this Straight Path Thou hath let me found, and keep this feelings I have felt in this heart Thou owns'd."
Remember my current status?
My cousin wrote this entry last month
but it has an impact on me particularly this month..
Beautiful poem chouji. Love it.
Between choosing how to live my life, and working on my life I feel like i'm a bit lonely in the seek of my puzzle. So many good friends are no longer around(particularly u, razif,nad fackeer), though I'm fully grateful with friends that I have now.
Thank you my friend, for at least being there for me,at times.
Any poem is beautiful because it is an expression of the heart.
Thanks, Mimi. For reading, and for having been a good friend who listens to me.
Life is always challenging, my friend. But it can be slightly easier when one has good company. I believe you have some real good companies there in Welly now, though they are not us. :')
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