Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What Have You Done, Chouji?

Guess I should start with an apology.

My sincerest apology, that is.

I'm not sure if she would read this, but I'm really really really sorry for what I've done.

It is a common sense not to ever, ever critique or even comment a female's appearance.
I was taught that, and even learnt it the hard way before.
Many times.

But there you go, Chouji.
You made that stupid mistake again.
For the nth time.

Why, for God's sake, you went and made that offensive comment?

May be it sounds as if this is not serious, but I feel bad - real bad, honestly - when I happen to offend a close friend.

. . . I wish there is something I could do to make up to what I've done. *sigh*


Z said...

i'm not sure exactly what happened, but i think it's not WHAT you said that's actually offensive, but HOW you said it.

or maybe i'm just wrong :P

hope things've worked out between you and your friend

hafiz CHouJi said...

Thanks, Zaty.

It does not matter anymore. Things going great between me and that close friend of mine. Guess Allah let that happened between us to teach us what a real friendship is. :')